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Awakening the Astral Body   Sage Magazine Nov 2013

Awakening the Astral Body  

Sage Magazine Nov 2013


Your cells contain your stories. Everything that has ever happened in the universe, and beyond, is in you. Literally. As master WiFi transmitters, our bodies are also capable of accessing dimensions of alternate vibration to our current shared 3D reality. We are able to exit our physical bodies and travel to distant planets and embody past lives, on this planet and others. This is no fantasy, belief system or mere theory—this is real. You see I know this, because I've done it on many occasions...


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Music of the Spheres: The Dance of Astral Travel   Sage Magazine July 2014

Music of the Spheres:

The Dance of Astral Travel  

Sage Magazine July 2014


Have you ever had one of those dreams when you see something enormous looming in front of you, but no one else can see it. Or perhaps you’re walking along the street one day, awake, and you see these fantastic clouds majestically rolling in from the horizon framed by a rainbow so vivid that you simply stop in your tracks and gaze unashamedly skyward—in awe. Yet no one else sees it. They hurry on about their business with the concerned, default stare of the walking dead.


Well, that’s how I feel about astral travel...


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Touch  Sage Magazine Issue 9 2015


Sage Magazine Issue 9 2015


To touch is to heal. And to love. The elements of un-touch in our societies that ploy at separating us from each other and our planet are the last vestiges of the reign of fear. 


Through use of technology, security, chemical engineering and at the pretence of defence and protection, we are placed in a collective high-chair, away from the “contaminating” effects of our virgin soil and open thinking. Whistleblowers are presented as criminals, and clean food as fringe, bordering on subversive. The notion of political transparency is seen as a sinister and destabilising influence, and implicitly supportive of the omnipresent force of “terror” that threatens to consume our affluent way of life and being. Like a great fire-belching dragon, supposed terror rears its thorny mane and narrows its dark and monstrous unchristian eyes in preparation of extinguishing us all: children, dreams, mortgages and second cars alike. We must be on a hyper state of alert, as our privacy is bled and our hearts steeled...


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Truer Worlds   Sage Magazine Feb 2014

Truer Worlds  

Sage Magazine Feb 2014


You can own nothing in this world.


Some of you may feel a sense of relief at reading this—of weight lifted. Others may feel a sense of loss. What you are actually tuning into as this occurs is your earthly energy body. You see, everything you allegedly own, as well as your job, your partner, and even the guise you present to the world in the name of professionalism, is essentially a relationship to you based on energy. It is the energy of these “things” or “situations” that impact upon you, not the objects directly. So it is in your energy body, and ultimately in your physical body, that you experience the relationship with all things...


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Astral Empowerment: The Healing Power of Astral Travel   Sage Magazine Sept 2014

Astral Empowerment: The Healing Power of Astral Travel  

Sage Magazine Sept 2014


Astral travel isn’t just about getting out of your physical body. It is so, so much more. 


Out of the corporeal shell, you begin to appreciate your true grandeur. You start to recognise that your place in the universe is far more profound than you ever imagined. You sense this glorious perfection weaving its way through all things, yourself included. And when you return, you bring back a sample of this cosmic awareness with you. In actual effect, you are releasing the facade of what you thought you were, as each brittle piece crumbles, piece by illusory piece. Then you begin to sense it—really sense it.


The buzz...


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Your Divine Sovereignty   Sage Magazine May 2014

Your Divine Sovereignty  

Sage Magazine May 2014


We have all lived before. Each and every one of us.


We have loved under stormy violet skies, have swum in pearlescent seas and have died in forests of gold. Worlds abound with stories of our courage, our suffering and our passion. We have embodied ourselves in so many forms and shapes and guises. We are mighty souls encompassing a trillion galaxies in our quest for self-discovery. Yet in the end, we are one thing, and one thing only...


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The Current of Time  Sage Magazine Nov 2014

The Current of Time 

Sage Magazine Nov 2014


A day is never repeated. Nor is a year, nor a month. It’s all new. And it’s always changing.


Our calendar is based around the Northern Spring Equinox and the celebration of Easter, and was instigated in its present form by Pope Gregory and the Catholic Church in 1592. Greece was the last European country to join the reform in 1923. Every month’s name has its roots in a meaning. For example, March is derived from the Roman god of war “Mars” and was seen as the right time to resume warring. To this day the word marching is still associated with the military. May comes from “Maia,” the Italic goddess of Spring, and January from “Janus,” the Roman god of gates and doorways. July and August were “tributes” to the Roman Emperors Julius and Augustus, and April is connected to “Aphrodite,” the Greek goddess of love and beauty. 


The point I’m making here, is that apart from the seasons—which are cyclical in form but are never exactly the same—our concept and partitioning of time is essentially a manmade and arbitrary notion...


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To Infinity and Beyond

Inspiration Bible (contributor) Gower International Pub 2014


We are all perfect beings. Not one of us is sullied or fallen or evil. These conditions are simply incompatible with the human hard-drive. Recognition of this is like an atomic expansion to our consciousness. On truly knowing this, your energy field begins to absorb and radiate the true sense of wonderment that is "being." 


Many years ago, I began to spontaneously leave my body. While sleeping, a light or vibration would visit me, wake me up, and take my consciousness to another reality or dimension. Now this was pretty confusing, as you could imagine. I began to question my sanity as I was shown things from past lives to guides to extraterrestrial intelligence. As a natural skeptic and prankster, I really pushed the envelope of this uncommon experience. I even experienced my own death!


The sticking point to it all, was that these realms I visited were ultra-real when compared to 3-D reality. In this luminous state, my senses were vastly expanded and I lost any sense of fear or annihilation. I would return with tears of ecstasy, deeply mysterious and moving. I began to recognize that we were infinitely more than the confines of our physical form and its limited, shackled thinking. I came in touch with an inner power that was detached from any form of judgment, and content beyond imagining. 


To Infinity and Beyond Inspiration Bible (contributor) Gower International Pub 2014

All the twists and turns of my life, all the apparent dead-ends that had stumped and frustrated me so, suddenly made sense. Everything was as it was; everything had happened as it should have. There was no failure or fall. This was a tremendous release to my spirit, and an end to the victim that had defined me.


It was the beginning of genuine self acceptance—of self-love—and the dawning of a new and enticing reality.


The Inspiration Bible is compiled of one-page entries from 365 people from over 15 countries, each sharing a message that will inspire you. From life wisdom to stories of overcoming adversity, this book is one you can call on every day of the year for the inspiration you need to live a magnificent life. 


Click on the book cover to order your copy from the Inspiration Bible website.

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