“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
― C.G. Jung
What's On:
- 06 Apr 2025, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm15 Bardon Esplanade, Bardon QLD 4065, Australia
Reiki Courses • Reiki Training • Astral Travel Workshops • Presentations
How long are the courses and what do they entail?
Astral Travel Workshops come in various guises.
I've found these three formats to be the most popular and effective:
3-4 hour introductory workshops at a centre near you (location upon request). Online and Skype workshops are also available.
Fancy plunging yourself head-first into the awe-inspiring world of the astral? Then this may be for you. These workshops are carried out virtually anywhere with a group of 5 or more people at a location of your request. Your local yoga or meditation centre or even your own house can be the venue. Participants for this burst of practical and transformative vibration will need to have read my book before attending the workshop to get the most out of the experience. All you'll need to bring along is a yoga mat for the meditations. If you're interested in hosting such an event, no matter where you are, contact me to find out more.
One, two, or three day intensive workshops are also available on demand.
The purpose of these is to immerse yourself more fully into the experience. There is also more in-depth discussion into consciousness and how you personally perceive and interact with the world around you, with the intention of defragmenting what you perceive to be reality. Because there is more time and flow in these sessions, deeper states of awareness can often be reached within the apparent "safety" of the course, but as I've said earlier, the astral splitting process is natural and totally safe.
These courses may also be run overnight when held in premises where you're able to stay within the energy and practice the techniques during sleep. I've found it is often enjoyable to experience these more intense courses with friends, and so they are often scheduled on demand and at a time and place that suits all.
I'm currently holding occasional 2 hour Astral Meditation & Discussion evenings in Brisbane.
I've found this a great way of sharing ideas and techniques associated with the astral experience in a regular, relaxed and social setting. I'll take you through powerful meditations to help you prime your astral body into motion. For up-to-date details keep an eye on the What's Happening section above.
Hi Greg, many thanks for your astral workshop last night. I took your advice & enjoyed my first amazing astral travel experiences last night & early this morning—just awesome! Will continue this practice & further develop this phenomenon.
Joseph - Brisbane
What a brilliant Reiki course, Greg! I was constantly amazed over the two days how information and insights, from all different areas of learning throughout my life, came together so effortlessly in the vessel that is reiki healing energy...
Cherie - Brisbane
Reiki Level 1 and Reiki level 2 courses are held over one or two days.
The Reiki Master Level is flexible, and held over at least 4 months.
Normally, group reiki 1 and reiki 2 courses (individually) are held over a weekend. Concurrent Saturdays are also popular, but it is really up to whoever is taking part in the course to decide when is most suitable. Private reiki 1 and reiki 2 courses are also possible. These have a maximum of 2 participants and can be completed in one day. It's recommended not to attempt a reiki 2 course within three months of finishing your first level.
The master/teacher level training is conducted individually or in small groups over a flexible time frame of around 4 months, depending on the trainees. It is an intensive course of personal development aimed at self mastery, sensing the flow of energies more keenly, and learning how to teach and pass on the method to others. For more information, see below.
The ability to channel this natural healing energy lies dormant within us all.
Initially, when reiki was first taught, it was with the intention of becoming more self aware—to become more conscious of your connection with the flow of universal life energy, that is in all living things. The energy healing—and self healing—aspect was a byproduct of this process; not the focus. This emphasis has changed over the years, particularly in the West, but the primary motivation or intention inherent in the transferring of this energy from the reiki master to the student remains the same.

It is an awakening - an activation of senses lying dormant within you. Not only will you start to feel this energy flow through your hands, you will also feel transformed. And as you start to honour your new experience of yourself and the world, illusions will shatter and situations will become clearer for you and those around you. That, is the essence of reiki.
After you have been attuned to reiki level 1, merely the intention of giving healing will trigger the flow of energy through your hands. It's so remarkable and so simple! And it's brilliant trying it out on friends, babies, pets. Remember, if they don't need it —or want it—it won't flow. You can never harm anyone. Quite the opposite. Occasionally, my hands will just start to randomly heat up and I'll feel the energy flowing. Often when in public. I'll look around to see if someone's needing it. Often it'll be when someone is just walking by... I suppose it's just flowing where it should.
Reiki Level 1 attunes you to reiki, enabling you to channel the energy to yourself and others.
For the first twenty one days after the reiki course you'll give yourself reiki everyday, even just for a few minutes. Not only is it self healing, It's a magnificent way of putting yourself to sleep at night. Giving yourself daily reiki like this seems to set the energy into your field—your way of being. It makes it real in your life; not just something you learnt at some weird course a while back. Remember, you are activating a new sense within you to life. Apart from practising and learning how to feel the energy—both giving and receiving—you'll also learn about your energy centres (or chakras), how to read energy fields and apply reiki to them, how to conduct full reiki treatments, and also some really practical and effective meditation techniques. For current reiki course schedules and more information on reiki level 1 click here.
Reiki Level 2—the 'reiki practitioner' level—is the next step...
As you are more finely attuned to reiki, you will learn further techniques of working with the energy, including distant healing. One of the activities during this reiki course is to send reiki to a friend at a pre-determined time, and then to call that friend to see what they experienced. The results will not only surprise you, but make you reassess just how closely we are all linked energetically. You'll also learn how to use and incorporate the powerful reiki symbols into your treatments, and life. This is also known as the 'reiki practitioner' level, where you will learn how to conduct treatments in a professional setting. For current reiki course schedules and more information on reiki level 2 click here.
Reiki Master/Teacher Level.
Here, reiki becomes fully integrated with your being and your life. You'll learn to surrender to a force that outweighs any remnant ego-play as you interconnect with your true universality. The flow of energy is again more palpable as you release the blocks within you more thoroughly. It is also the 'reiki teacher' level, where you will learn how to teach reiki (and lead reiki courses), how to treat clients in a fully professional manner, how to initiate others into the reiki stream as well as how to grow your own reiki practice. During your reiki mastership you will also receive reiki treatments from me aimed at clearing your energy system and activating more fully your subtle senses. For current reiki course schedules and more information on the reiki master level click here.
Remember, reiki is not a religion or a belief system, it is purely a natural way in reconnecting once more with the flow of energy that is us, that is consciousness, and that is by its very nature, healing.